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On Today, there were several interesting and important
cybersecurity and technology news stories. Let's take a closer look at
some of the top headlines from that day

"New Members to Join CISA's Cybersecurity Advisory Committee"

On Today, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA) announced that new members would be joining their Cybersecurity
Advisory Committee. This committee is made up of experts and leaders in
the cybersecurity industry, and provides advice and recommendations on a
range of issues related to cybersecurity and infrastructure security.

"March 2023 Patch Tuesday : 9 Critical CVEs, Including Two Actively Exploited Zero Days"

Crowdstrike is a prominent cybersecurity company, and on Today they
published a blog post outlining the latest Patch Tuesday updates from
Microsoft. The updates addressed a number of critical security
vulnerabilities, including two zero-day vulnerabilities that were
actively being exploited by cybercriminals. 

"Cybersecurity Experts Warn of New ATM 'Jackpotting' Attacks" 

BleepingComputer is a well-known cybersecurity news site, and on Today they reported on a new type of ATM attack that was increasingly
being used by hackers. Known as "jackpotting," this attack involves
using malware to force an ATM to dispense cash to the attacker. 

"Google Announces Major Investment in Cloud Infrastructure" 

On Today, Google announced that they would be investing heavily in
expanding their cloud infrastructure. This investment will involve
building new data centers and expanding existing ones, which will help
to improve the reliability and security of Google's cloud services. 

"Intel Unveils New Series of Processors with Advanced Security Features" 

is one of the world's leading providers of computer processors, and on Today they announced a new series of processors that include
advanced security features. These features are designed to help protect
against a wide range of cyber threats, including malware and ransomware

In conclusion, cybersec and tech news on Today included
important updates on cybersecurity advisory committees, critical
security updates from Microsoft, a new type of ATM attack, major
investments in cloud infrastructure and advanced security features in
new processors from Intel. These announcements demonstrate the ongoing
importance of cybersecurity and technology in our daily lives, and
highlight the need 


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